Natural born Goddess

I would like to make a full disclaimer before you begin reading this, you may need tissues. Unless you are not a sappy person like me then no tissues needed.

Mother's day is just a few short weeks away and I knew I wanted to blog about the holiday and all the emotions it brings with it. Both good and bad. The picture above I added to Facebook when uploading our photos from the cruise but I hated the way I look in it. I almost didn't upload it at first but my oldest is so happy and wanted a picture with his Mama. Recently I have been speaking with friends and I finally reached my moment of, "so what if people don't like how I look, I am me, take it or leave it". As women and especially as mother's we are based on this stereotype of having to look and act a certain way. If we don't instantly bounce back after baby or begin to immediately jump into our regular routine we are deemed disgusting to the public eye. However the dad bod is a trending topic right now and found to be extremely sexy. Society is a strange thing. 

I personally carried and birthed two very large babies and they both brought me different struggles. After giving birth to my oldest I did "bounce" back so to say but it brought me post partum depression that I am till struggling with today over 4 years later. Being a first time mom was difficult and having a traumatic birth experience made it a million times more challenging. I questioned myself a lot as a woman not being able to do what women have done for thousands of years. I pushed past my problems and started my journey of welcoming our youngest and final baby boy. My birth the second time around was so empowering and healing! Really ladies, find a doctor that  listens to you. Have a voice! Even though life seemed to be more in place this time around I have struggled even a year later to feel confident within my own body. Giving birth to an over 9lb baby left me with a lot of excess loose skin I just can't seem to get rid of. My new body as I call it now holds on to weight a lot more and I struggle to not look like an actual puffer fish. I didn't want to leave my house. I only wore baggy clothing. I deleted a lot of pictures I had on my phone with my children just because I didn't like how I looked. I basically stopped living my life because I didn't think I was good enough in the public eye. 

After speaking with friends on the topic I decided it was time to respect myself more because Damn it I/We deserve it! What society doesn't know is some of us go through hell during this journey we call motherhood. For some of us even starting the journey was a struggle in itself. The journey is long. The journey is hard. We have physically created life inside our body. The entire time the public eye is telling us how beautiful we are and that we have this natural, "Glow" surrounding us. Yet once the baby makes it's grand exit we are no longer the naturally beautiful goddesses we once were. 

I am here to tell you that YOUR post partum body IS worthy! You are worthy. You ARE a natural born goddess and there are tiny eyes watching you that think you hung the moon. Our kids don't care what we look like or what pant size we currently wear. Just like my oldest he just sees his mommy that he loves and wants to take a picture with. It's time we stop caring what society labels us as and begin fully living our life. Grab your phone/camera take a full body picture with your kids. Don't delete it! You are amazing. You are loved. You are a walking example of just how amazing our bodies are. It's time society changes for us! We are healthy. We are thriving. That is all that truly matters. Put on that bathing suit and take a day trip to the beach. Take a picture by the water. Please don't live your life in fear of what others might think. We have tiny eyes watching us. We have to show our children that every body shape, race and religion out there is beautiful in it's own unique way. 

a few positive body/self love affirmations:
-No one can make me feel inferior
-I have the power to rewrite my story
-It's not their job to like's MINE
-Your worth is NOT measured by the size of your waist
- All bodies are good bodies

Read these aloud to yourself when you feel that negative energy begin to take over your thought process. We were created individually. There is not a cookie cutter out there popping out babies. We were never made to look or act a specific way. It has been pounded into our minds of what others think the perfect woman looks like. Remember that this Mother's day! You are you. And there is not another person out there exactly like you.  

On this upcoming mother's day I hope you truly know how beautiful you are inside and out. We may still make comments about our self and feel self conscious around others. That's ok! We are not perfect and we were never made to be perfect. It's important to remember your self worth. In the words of RuPaul, "If you can't love yourself, how in the hell are you gonna love somebody else?". We stan a good Drag queen quote from Mama Ru. Can I get an amen?

Wishing everyone the happiest of Mother's day! 

Much love,
Mom-ish chronicles

Carrying my oldest 

Carrying my young/last baby boy 


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